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|rowspan="1"| '''Esterk'''
|rowspan="1"| '''Esterk'''
|40||50||Iron Ingot||Iron Ingot||Super Coal||Tron Ore||x||x
|40||50||Iron Ingot||Iron Ingot||Super Coal||Iron Ore||x||x
|rowspan="1"| '''Light Axe'''
|rowspan="1"| '''Light Axe'''

Revision as of 16:50, 18 September 2016


Skill formula: Q9TbiDJ.png Where 's' is skill %.

TNL= Successes until next level

Skill TNL Skill TNL Skill TNL Skill TNL Skill TNL Skill TNL Skill TNL Skill TNL Skill TNL Skill TNL Skill TNL
0 10 10 30 20 70 30 130 40 210 50 310 60 430 70 570 80 730 90 910 100 1110
1 11 11 33 21 75 31 137 41 219 51 321 61 443 71 585 81 747 91 929
2 12 12 36 22 80 32 144 42 228 52 332 62 456 72 600 82 764 92 948
3 13 13 39 23 85 33 151 43 237 53 343 63 469 73 615 83 781 93 967
4 15 14 43 24 91 34 159 44 247 54 355 64 483 74 631 84 799 94 987
5 17 15 47 25 97 35 167 45 257 55 367 65 497 75 647 85 817 95 1007
6 19 16 51 26 103 36 175 46 267 56 379 66 511 76 663 86 835 96 1027
7 21 17 55 27 109 37 183 47 277 57 391 67 525 77 679 87 853 97 1047
8 24 18 60 28 116 38 192 48 288 58 404 68 540 78 696 88 872 98 1068
9 27 19 65 29 123 39 201 49 299 59 417 69 555 79 713 89 891 99 1089


Item Min Skill %
to Produce
Max % Item
can be used to
raise Skill
Super Coal 0 30 Coal Coal Coal x x x
Iron Ingot 0 30 Iron Ore Iron Ore Iron Ore Super Coal x x
Silver Ingot 40 95 Silver Nugget Silver Nugget Silver Nugget Super Coal x x
Bronze Ingot 40 95 Bronze Ore Bronze Ore Bronze Ore Super Coal x x
Dagger 15 40 Iron Ingot Super Coal x x x x
Long sword 40 50 Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Super Coal Coal x x
Esterk 40 50 Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Super Coal Iron Ore x x
Light Axe 30 40 Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Super Coal Coal x x
Tomahawk 40 50 Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Super Coal Coal x x
Hauberk(M) 40 50 Silver Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Super Coal Orc Leather x
Hauberk(W) 40 50 Silver Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Super Coal Orc Leather x
Light Axe
40 60 Bronze Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Coal x x

|rowspan="1"| Ultra Coal |0||30||Coal||Coal||Coal||x||x||x |- |rowspan="1"| Gold Ingot |0||30||Coal||Coal||Coal||x||x||x |- |rowspan="1"| Mithral Ingot |0||30||Coal||Coal||Coal||x||x||x



Ingredients Result
crystal crystal crystal Crystalware
crystal ruby ruby Rubyware
crystal sapphire sapphire Sapphireware
crystal emerald emerald Emeraldware
crystal diamond diamond Diamondware