
From Helbreath Olympia Wiki
Revision as of 23:27, 25 July 2021 by imported>Enguzrad (Updated first 3 circles with correct data.)

Notes about Spell Effects

Spells with area effect usually have different damage/heal for target and for area. Target is hit by both target damage/heal and area damage/heal. Players around the target are hit only by area damage/heal.
You can not damage yourself or allied players/NPCs with safe mode enabled. Contrary to in-game help, safe mode does not increase spell mana cost.
Benefitial spells such as Defense Shield or Heal grand their effect only to you and your allies.
Beware that if you miss your target and click on ground instead you will cast the spell on that ground tile potentially wasting it.

Damage over time

  • Burn - Is now a stunning hit, these hits ignore all MA.
  • Poison - Will give an ek if opponent dies in safe zone. Can be resisted.
  • Freeze - Slows down movement.


Each spell has an element which has its strengths and weaknesses against other elements. This is mainly useful against monsters. Using a spell against a monster's weak element causes 25% increased damage , while using the same element will reduce damage by 25% .

Earth Lightning Fire Ice
Earth Weak Strong Normal Normal
Lightning Normal Weak Normal Strong
Fire Strong Normal Weak Normal
Ice Normal Normal Strong Weak

Circle 1

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Area Price
Magic Missile 14 4 Lightning 10 damage to target. 1x1 400
Heal 14 8 N/A Target gains 15 Health Points. 1x1 400
Create Food 10 18 N/A Creates food on target ground tile. 1x1 400
Meditation 40 20% max MP N/A Regenerates Mana (28% max MP). 1x1 Holy talent
Transfer Criticals 10 35 N/A ? 1x1 Merien talent
Divine Touch 20 15% max MP + 100% Faith N/A Damage based on level. 3x3 Holy talent

Circle 2

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Area Price
Energy Bolt 24 13 Lightning 10 damage to target, 7 damage to area. 3x3 600
Stamina Drain 22 14 N/A Drains 28 SP from target and 15 SP from area. 3x3 600
Recall 10 0 N/A Lvl 120+ teleports yourself to your town, lvl 119- teleports you to the town's farm.
In town you can click on teleport pad in minimap to teleport there.
You can not Recall from enemy town maps and if damaged recently.
1x1 1
Defense Shield 26 19 N/A Raises target's Defense Ratio by 40 for 1 minute. 1x1 600
Celebrating Light 25 10 Lightning Lights fireworks at target ground tile. 1x1 900
Minor Berserk 23 26 N/A Boosts target's physical attack damage for 1 minute by 25-35% (depending on weapon). 1x1 1600

Circle 3

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Area Price
Fireball 26 27 Fire 8 damage to target, 11 damage to area. 3x3 1000
Great Heal 28 28 N/A Target gains 33 Health Points. 1x1 1000
Stamina Recovery 20 20 N/A Restores 22 SP to target and 12 SP to area. 3x3 700
Protection from Arrows 20 22 N/A Total protection from arrows for 1 minute. 1x1 700
Hold Person 26 24 N/A Stops target's movement for 30 seconds. Cleared if physically or magically damaged. 1x1 1000
Possession 26 25 N/A Picks up item from target ground tile. 1x1 1000
Poison 29 28 N/A Applies poison to target, 12 damage over 12 seconds. 1x1 1200
Great Stamina Recovery 30 45 N/A Restores 40 SP to target and 23 SP to area. 3x3 1300

Circle 4

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price
Fire Strike 34 36 Fire Greater Fireball, 15-25 damage 4x4 1500
Summon Creature 38 35 N/A Summon monsters to your side. Monster tier depends on your magic skill. 1x1 1500
Invisibility 30 31 N/A Makes the target invisible for 1 minute 1x1 1300
Protection from Magic 32 35 N/A Protection from offensive spells up to Circle 8 1 Min 2400
Detect Invisibility 30 33 N/A Detects invisible players and monsters Full Screen 1200
Paralyze 36 35 N/A Paralyzes target, cancelled when hit by magic 1x1 1500
Cure 35 32 N/A Cures the target of any poison 1x1 1200
Lightning Arrow 38 30 Lightning Electric Arrow, 20-45 damage 1x1 1600
Tremor 33 34 Earth Shakes the ground below, 10-20 damage 3x3 1500

Circle 5

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price
Firewall 45 42 Fire Area effect spell. Creates a wall of fire 1x5 40 sec 1700
Fire Field 48 48 Fire Area Effect Spell. Creates a field of fire 3x3 40 secs 1900
Confuse Language 42 40 N/A Messes up chat for 2 minutes. 3x3 1800
Lightning 47 40 Lightning Stroke of Lightning, 30-55 Damage 1x1 2100
Great Defense Shield 46 45 N/A Gives user 20 Defense points. 1 Min 1900
Chill Wind 50 48 Ice Freezes and damages target lightly 3x3 2300
Poison Cloud 49 48 Poison Area Effect Spell.Creates a cloud of poison 3x3 40 secs 2200
Triple Energy Bolt 45 40 Lightning Shoots 3 stronger Energy Bolts 5x5 2100
Scan 50 50 N/A Scan targets HP/MP,Element and hammer reduction 1x1 2300

Circle 6

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price
Haste* 62 60 N/A Increases target's speed by 24%. Casting on oneself has no effect 5 sec Manual
Mass Poison 52 54 Poison Critically Poisons target 1x1 2400
Mass Lightning Arrow 53 53 Lightning 5 Lightning Arrows, 28-63 damage 1x1 2900
Spike Field 56 56 Lightning Creates a field of Spikes, 3 to 8 health points each step 4x4 2500
Ice Storm* 59 58 Ice Area Effect Spell. Freezes target, slowly damages whoever is inside the storm 3x3 Manual
Lightning Bolt 58 58 Lightning Bolt of Lightning, 35-52 Direct Damage, 15-25 Path Range 3x3 2600
Berserk 59 57 N/A Doubles physical attack damage 1 min 4500
Ice Strike 60 59 Ice Freezes and damages target 4x4 3600
Mass Heal 60 56 Holy Heals up to 3 targets 3x3 Talent Specific

Circle 7

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price
Energy Strike 67 65 Lightning Stream of Energy Pulses, 45-80 Damage 4x4 4000
Mass Fire Strike 75 72 Fire Exploding Firebomb, 40-80 damage 4x4 4400
Confusion 75 78 N/A Target cannot recognize a player's allegiance 3x3 30 seconds 5100
Mass Chill Wind 85 90 Ice Stronger Chill Wind 4x4 6000
Earthworm Strike 97 80 Earth Summons a worm to strike from the ground beneath, drains 40 Stamina Points 3x3 6700
Absolute Magic Protection 112 100 N/A Protection from all Magic 1x1 7200
Armor Break 97 120 Earth Lowers the endurance on a target's armor and does significant damage. 3x3 9100

Circle 8

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price
Bloody Shock Wave* 105 120 Lightning Sends out a red shock wave, 60-80 Damage direct hit, 20-40 Path range hit 3x3 Manual
Cloud Kill 120 130 Poison Area Effect Spell. Creates a field of critically poisonous cloud 5x5 9100
Lightning Strike 123 85 Lightning Electrifying Lightning Bolts stream from the eyes! 4x4 9600
Mass Confusion 130 125 N/A Confusion, but twice as long 4x4 1 Min 7700
Mass Ice Strike 118 115 Ice Freezes and damages target heavily 4x4 9400
Illusion Movement 160 150 N/A Player can not control their movements as well 1x1 11200
Cancellation* 135 835 N/A Deactives Protection from arrows, Protection from Magic, Absolute Magic Protection, Defense Shield, Great Defense Shield, Paralyze (even from Medusa Sword), Mass Illusion Movement, Berserk, and freezes (including freeze from Ice Sword). 1x1 Wand Added 60 second cooldown (starts from pre-cast) 20% chance of pre-casting costing 1 charge-

Circle 9

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Hits Price
Illusion 150 143 N/A Target sees other players as the spell caster for 20 s 3x3     
Meteor Strike 155 120 Fire Call upon a flaming meteor from the skies. 3x3 Direct impact
init hit dmg < next hit dmg
Mass Magic Missile 150 105 Lightning Summons a swarm of slow moving magic missile that take time to reach their target. 3x3 Direct impact
init hit dmg > next hit dmg
Inhibition Casting* 150 120 N/A Makes targeted player fail spell casts for 40 seconds 1x1      Manual - Wand

Circle 10

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price
Mass Illusion 180 200 N/A Illusion, for three times as long 1x1 12800
Ressurection** 100 200 N/A Ressurects targeted dead player with half their HP. 1x1 Staff
Mass Illusion Movement* 200 200 N/A A players movements are reversed (left becomes right) etc for 1 min. Cannot cast near fellow Citizens. 1x1 Manual - Wand
Elemental Signature Spells
Spell INT Mana Element Effect Damage Price
Blizzard 195 170 Ice Call upon a snowstorm to freeze and critically damage your enemies (hits multiple times and pierces Protection from Magic)      Talent Spell
Earth Shock Wave 190 180 Earth High damage earth attack, drains SP. Drains SP even when PFM is activated.      Talent Spell
Hell Fire 200 180 Fire Summons a great swarm of meteors to rain down causing huge amounts of damage.      Talent Spell
Fury Of Thor 182 160 Lightning Large range high damage lightning attack      Talent Spell


If the circle you're casting is higher than your level / 10, then you get less hitratio the higher the circle is. If it's lower, you get more hitratio the lower the circle is. At level 140, the lower the circle is, the more hitratio it has. The amount you gain/lose is 5 HR per circle difference. So at level 140, you get +20 HR on Blizz, +50 on Para, and +55 on Hold Person. If you're going to break the para right away, then you should just do Hold Person. Additionally, you should use Energy Bolt and not Fire Ball/Fire Strike to break allied paras. It's less MP, has more HR, and deals less damage