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The Crusade


The main purpose of the front battle is to destroy principal buildings of the enemy such as the Cityhall, Warehouse, Blacksmith and Shop, which will lead your country to victory. The only way to do this is by activating the Grand Magic Generator situated near the Cityhall of each town. In order to activate the Grand magic generator you must find the Mana Stone and build a Mana collector close to it. Mana Collectors are energy distributors that gather mana and send it to the Grand Magic generator to make it function.

When the Grand Mana Generator is charged with enough energy, your city will be able to use a rain of meteors to attack the enemy's buildings. If you destroy all buildings you win.

When the battle starts in each of the two countries the Energy shield generator is activated in the principal buildings, which defends from the enemy's attacks. If both energy shield generators are standing, they will defend perfectly from the enemy's attack, but if there is only one, the building will be damaged. Thus, if you want to lead your country to victory, infiltrate within the opposite town and destroy all energy shield generators, while installing a mana collector in the middleland to gather enough mana to attack.


Anyone with the Guild Master or Captain ranks can become a commander, and must grasp the warfare situation ability. The commander can set the guild teleport and construction point.

The commander can be helpful attacking or defending bases due to his/her ability of summoning crusade units. Crusade units are powerful soldiers that can be summoned when the guild has collected enough points, whether it is by constructing buildings, destroying enemy buildings or killing opponents.

Warfare Infrastructures

imagen.png Cast Detect invisibility for enemies
Arrow guard tower
imagen.png The position construction infrastructure which affixes the anger flesh firing turret.
Cannon guard tower
The position construction infrastructure which affixes the cannon firing turret.
Mana collector
imagen.png Install near the Mana Stone to gather mana for the Grand generator. Also recharges the MP of allied players near it.


Increased Drop Rate

-7% Repair cost


There isn't no jobs anymore, everyone got damage bonus and can build

The Heldenian

"King of the Hill"

Map Geographies:





Drop rate +

Capture The Relic


Middleland Teleport (4000 Gold)