Main_Page Commands and Hotkeys Gameplay Items Spells Talents Monsters and drops Maps Events


Each spell has an element which has its strengths and weaknesses against other elements. This is mainly useful against monsters. Using a spell against a monster's weak element causes 25% increased damage , while using the same element will reduce damage by 25% .
Spell vs NPC Earth Lightning Fire Ice
Earth vs Weak Strong Normal Normal
Lightning vs Normal Weak Normal Strong
Fire vs Strong Normal Weak Normal
Ice vs Normal Normal Strong Weak

Circle 1

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price
Magic Missile 18 8 Lightning Small magic missile,5-13 damage. 1x1 20
Create Food 18 18 N/A Creates food(Meat or baguette). 1x1 20
Heal 20 15 N/A Recover 15-25 health points. 1x1 20
Meditation Talent Specific Spell Scales with LVL(0 cost when cast on own character) Holy Regenerates Mana . 1x1 Talent Specific Spell

Circle 2

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price
Recall 10 15 N/A Lvl 81+ teleports yourself to your city, lvl 80- teleports you to the farm. You can not Recall from enemy town, or enemy town maps. 1x1 24
' N/A
' '
' N/A
' N/A

Circle 3

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price

Circle 4

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price

Circle 5

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price

Circle 6

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price

Circle 7

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price

Circle 8

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price

Circle 9

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price

Circle 10

Spell INT Mana Element Effect Range Price
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