Guides & Formulas

Revision as of 05:02, 27 June 2018 by (talk)





it's 0.80^rebirthlevel -20% each time

Rebirth Level Cost Exp obtained
0 - 100%
1 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs: 5 80%
2 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:10 64%
3 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:15 51.2%
4 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:20 40.96%
5 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:25 32.77%
6 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:30 26.21%
7 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:35 20.97%
8 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:40 16.78%
9 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:45 13.42%
10 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:50 10.74%
11 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:55 8.59%
12 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:60 6.87%
13 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:65 5.50%
14 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:70 4.40%
15 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:75 3.52%
16 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:80 2.81%
17 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:85 2.25%
18 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:90 1.80%
19 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:95 1.44%
20 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:100 1.15%
21 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:105 0.92%
22 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:110 0.74%
23 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:115 0.59%
24 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:120 0.47%
25 Gold: 1 millon. Mjs:125 0.38%


Hit Probability

Hit probability = (attacker hit ratio / defender defense ratio) *62%

Magic hitting probability = attacker magic hit ratio / target magic resistance) * 50%


Your character must be level 50 or more in order to trade/give rep..

Kloness damage formula
400 rep more than target for max damage
auto dmg_bonus = (attacker_plr->_reputation - player->_reputation) / 25;
dmg_bonus = Min(16, dmg_bonus) / 2;
dmg += dmg_bonus + Random::DiceAvg(4, dmg_bonus/2);

Tutelary Angel

To receive the tutelary Angel you need to have saved 5 majestics, the angel is available from Gail the NPC in your citys Command Hall

Upgrade Req Majestics Upgrade Req Majestics
+1 6 +9 34
+2 8 +10 39
+3 10 +11 44
+4 13 +12 49
+5 16 +13 54
+6 20 +14 59
+7 24 +15 64
+8 29 Total 469


Cont doesn't affect drops anymore. Rep affects it, but the effect scales logarithmically. It also doesn't affect the frequency of drops directly like Luck, so it's hard to put an exact number on it (although Luck increases drops like rep does, to a lesser extent, which means it's actually more than it says it does).,x%2B20)+with+x+from+0+to+1000

Weapon Damage

There are almost no dices in the game anymore. Damage on weapon 10 just means it does exactly 10 base damage every time. Then combo and such gets added to it

Crush Damage

average damage = damage + damage * crush_chance * crush_damage

Normal Upgrades

Weapons and Armours may be upgraded with the use of Xelima(weapons) and Merien(Armours) Stones.

Upgrades of this type ate safe until +3.

At +3 if you fail it will downgrade by 1 : ie if you upgrade at +3 it will return to +2,If you upgrade at +5 it will return to +4.

Raid Times

During the weekends enemy players may enter all of your citys maps and attack relatively unhindered.The only restrictions are time,and certain spells that cannot be used in opposition towns,

-Cloudkill & PoisonCloud -SpikeField -FireField & FireWall

Friday to Saturday & Tuesday, time 00:00 to 24:00, raid time limit is 1 hour, this can be reset by leaving the Town maps into Middleland or Dungeon Lvl 2.

Xelents Guide To The Apocalypse.

General info : The event start's and the portal from Icebound to Druncnian City opens up, located at the north west corner of Icebound.

Keep in mind that at any time a big bunch of enemy's could come running and things get wild.


Inside of Druncnian City there's usually a huge melee of aresden and elvinian's slaughtering eachother, also there's Hellclaw and Nizie pits that drop good stuff. 
Z15VkRo.png     Nus4WiE.png                                        
  Infernia A           Infernia B

There are two portal's that lead to Infernia (A) and Infernia (B), in the Infernia maps there is also a portal that leads us closer to the end boss. From here on the portal's only open when all of the mobs in the map have been killed, from here on mobs do not respawn in the map, at anytime you can write /mcount to get the info on the mob progress in a map you are in. Mobs are usually killed in infernia in order of drop value : Fire Wyvern's > Barlog's > Demons > and then the rest until the portal open's zombies.The idea behind the order is to claim any good drops before the enemy raids and takes the goodies.

Infernia B-A portals are open at all times allowing you to cross between maps and clear all the large mobs before moving onto the maze map.All of the mobs in ONE of the maps must be cleared before the Maze portal will open.

The portals in A & B located in the lower half of the map lead to the Maze the upper portals allow transfer between Inf A & B.


Once we're in the Maze, the mini map dissappear's , this is not a bug and you can't bring it back. It's a maze you are supposed to be feeling trapped and confused. We'll be countering this with a simple Hanzel and Grethe Tactic, meaning that the ppl that know's the way run ahead and create food on the floor for other's to follow. There's just one correct path through there. Also please refrain from eating or looting the food cause it's causeing grevance's and just is beeing a jerk generally. ( in this part if u are new just invis and follow the group, when there's patches in the maze with no mobs recast invis fast and keep running with the group, try not to get lost.) Normally we dont kill anyhting in the maze so just try to keep up, the portal at the end of the maze is alway's active and lead's to the next map called Procella.



Inside of Procella it's just one big massive plain filled with various big mobs, we need to kill everything to open the next and final portal to Abbadon ( yea the map is called Abbadon just like the end boss) meaning /mcount 0. normally we stay as one big group and go either colckwize or counter clockwize around or through the middle and round, or such, but when we get there just stay in a big group and move accordingly. The portal for the next place is in the buttom left corner.


The Abaddon

In Abbadon we need to kill everything /mcount to 0 before abbadon spawn's, again usually we start off with the Frost Wyver's > Barlog's > Tigerwor's > Hellclaw's > minotaur's,GG's ,DD's etc. As soon as the /mcount reaches 0 there will be 10 sec's delay and Abbadon will spawn in the big central plaze of the map. The only thing to know about this part is to staying alive, and keeping abbadon on the screen, while killing him ofc. Stay with him on the screen for atleast 5 seconds after he's killed to enshure you take part in the loot roll's from him.

Gl and Happy Hunting Kind Reg. Xelent aka. Amazing

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