Common abbreviations and acronyms used by players.
Entries with * (asterisk) at the end are not confirmed to have correct explanation.
000 | I need Absolute Magic Protection cast on me |
AMP | Absolute Magic Protection spell |
anc | Ancient (weapon enchantment) |
arch | Archery talent / Player character built as Archer (mainly bow) |
ares | Aresden town / player |
bbh | Barbarian Hammer weapon * |
berk | Hauberk armor |
bf | Battlefield map |
BH | Battle Hammer weapon* |
BI | Bleeding Island map |
bs | Blacksmith town building |
bu | I need back up |
buff | An improvement |
brapier | Blood Rapier weapon |
c | Olympia Coin (usually used with number, e.g. "10c") |
cap | Upper limit (e.g. attributes have cap of 200) |
CC | Crush Chance (weapon enchantment) |
CD | Crush Damage (weapon enchantment) |
char | Player Character |
CIC | Critical Increase Chance (armor enchantment) |
CK | Cloud Kill spell |
cloth | Armor without level requirements (shirt, trousers etc.) |
CP | Casting Probability (weapon enchantment) |
crim | Player with criminal status |
crit | Critical hit |
cyc | Cyclops monster |
d4 | Dungeon Level 4 map |
DE | Dark Executor weapon / Dark Elf monster |
debow | Dark Elf Bow |
det(ect) | Detect Invisibility spell |
dex | Dexterity attribute |
dmg | Damage |
DR | Defense Ratio (armor enchantment) |
dragon ring | Ring of Dragon Power |
DS | Demon Slayer weapon / Defense Shield spell |
DT | Divine Touch spell |
DV | Death Valley map |
EF | Eternal Field map |
EK | Enemy Kill point/act |
ele | Elemental (weapon e.g. Elemental Hammer) / Elvine (player) |
elv | Elvine town / player |
ESW | Earth Shock Wave spell |
exc | Exceptional (weapon enchantment) |
excal | Excalibur weapon |
exp | Experience (armor enchantment) |
farmer | Player focusing on PvM only |
fence(r) | Fencing talent / skill / character build |
ff | Player is "ff" when their PFM or AMP runs out |
FH | Full Hero Armor set / Full Helm |
flam | Flamberge weapon |
frag | Fragment (used with Enchanting skill) |
frog | Giant Frog monster |
FW | Fire Wyvern monster / Firewall spell |
gg | Gargoyle monster |
gis | Giant Sword weapon |
GM | Game/Guild Master player |
GP | Gold Pieces |
ham | Hammer talent |
hb | Helbreath video game |
hc | Helclaw monster |
hero | Hero armor set |
hh | Helhound monster |
hose | Chain / Ring Hose armor, sometimes used generally as "any" leg armor |
HP | Health Points Recovery armor enchantment / just Health Points |
HR | Hit Ratio (weapon enchantment) |
IB | Ice Bound map |
inhib | Inhibition Casting spell |
int | Intelligence attribute |
inv(is) | Invisibility spell |
KE | Kloness Esterk weapon |
LB | Lightning Blade weapon |
legs | Leg armor |
light | Lightning talent |
LLF | Level Limit Free - item that does not have level requirement |
luc | Luck attribute |
LS | Long Sword talent |
MA | Magic Absorbtion (armor enchantment) |
mag | Magic attribute |
manu | Manufacturing skill |
mass ML | Big party going to Middleland to kill monsters for experience (can also be DV and other maps) |
mcon | Mana Convert (armor enchantment) |
mer(ien) | Merien talent / armor / Stone of Merien |
MIM | Mass Illusion Movement spell |
ML | Middleland map |
MP | Mana Points Recovery armor enchantment / just Mana Points |
MR | Magic Resistance (armor enchantment) |
MS | Mana Save item property |
msip | MP Siphon (weapon enchantment) |
mstone | Stone of Merien |
neck | Necklace |
NOX | Necklace of Xelima |
PA | Physical Absorbtion (armor enchantment) |
para | Paralysis spell |
PC | Pretend Corpse skill |
PD | Poison Damage weapon enchantment / Poison talent |
PFA | Protection from Arrows spell |
PFM | Protection from Magic spell |
pit | place which keeps spawning large numbers of single monster |
plate | (Knight) Plate Mail armor |
PM | (Knight) Plate Mail armor |
poison | Poison Talent / Poison Damage weapon enchantment |
pot | Potion |
PvM | Player vs Monsters combat |
PvP | Player vs Player combat |
raid | Group hunt of players from enemy town |
raider | Player joining a raid |
rb | Rebirth of player character |
regen | Regeneration (of HP etc.) |
rep | Reputation of player character |
RH | Rocky Highlands map |
ROA | Ring of Abaddon |
ROX | Ring of Xelima |
SOH | Sword of Heavens |
spy | Allied player leaking information about your party to enemy town players |
SS | Short Sword talent |
stat | weapon/armor enchantment / character attribute |
stone | Stone of Merien / Stone of Xelima |
str | Strength attribute |
summon | Summon Creature spell |
SW | Silent Wood map |
t3 | Tower of Hell Level 3 map |
t8 mob | Monsters of 8th tier (Unicorn, Demon...) |
trade rep tab | Player wants to trade reputation, they minimized the game with alt-tab and wait for whisper notification |
tw | Tigerworm monster |
uni | Unicorn monster |
vit | Vitality attribute |
war | Player character built as a warrior (mainly melee) |
ware | Crystalware etc. (used to make magic gems) |
wh | Warehouse |
xcal | Excalibur weapon |
xel(ima) | Xelima weapon / talent / Stone of Xelima |
xp | Experience (armor enchantment) |
xstone | Stone of Xelima |
zem | Zemstone of Sacrifice |
zerk | Berserk spell |